Szczegóły dotyczące zasad postępowania, wynagrodzenia oraz ubezpieczenia gdy statek zamierza wpłynąć w taką strefę lub już się w niej znajduje określa układ zbiorowy pracy. Poniżej przekazujemy zasady, obecnie w mocy dla układów zbiorowych typu ITF TCC.
ITF Warlike Operations Area – Southern Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden
•Boundary commencing from the Saudi Arabia Border at 16°24.12 N and running due West until the Eritrea coastline.•This area stretches south of this boundary encompassing the Bab el Mandeb Strait and continues into the Gulf of Aden.•The Eastern boundary line of the area commences from the Yemen-Oman border South to co-ordinates 13o 25.0” N, 053o 00.0’ E, the boundary line continues SW from this point to intersect with the Gees Gwardafuy beacon.•The Warlike Operations Area includes the Maritime Security Transit Corridor (MSTC), please see the Annex to Chart 2 (MSTC diagram) on page 5 for more further details.•The coast of Djibouti and Somalia are also included within this Warlike Operations Area.
During a vessel’s transit of this Area, the protection of seafarers through the ISPS Level 3 measure should be adopted, which may include the provision of personnel or systems which appropriately reduce the vulnerability of a vessel. The sufficiency of such extra security measures should be determined depending on vessel type, size, freeboard during transit and speed, with consulting and seeking advice of respective ITF union(s) where necessary. During the period of transit/stay within this Warlike Area, seafarers shall be entitled to compensation amounting to 100% of the basic wage and a doubled compensation payable in case of death and disability. This entitlement should be payable for a minimum of 5 days upon the entry into the Area and further for each day of the vessel’s actual stay in the Area. In the case of vessels transiting the ITF Warlike Area, seafarers have the right not to proceed with the passage. In such an event, the seafarer concerned shall be repatriated at the company’s cost with benefits accrued until date of return to the port of engagement and with the payment of 2 months’ basic wage as compensation. This designation shall be in effect from 19th March 2024.